A Holistic Solution to Small Penis Treatment

A small penis or micropenis is a condition when a man has an abnormally small penis. This situation is usually detected in childhood and gets cured at any age by hormonal treatment. However, with proper medical assistance and care, one can get Small penis treatment and get rid of this problem. Causes of small penis During birth, you might have any complications alongside this problem. This may be caused by hormonal problems. A small penis usually happens owing to a lack of fetal testosterone. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can be one of its major concerns. This disorder occurs when your brain’s hypothalamus does not produce enough hormones to stimulate your testicles. In this case, your testicles in the body won’t create the necessary testosterone for regular penis functioning. Symptoms of small penis syndrome : • Symptoms of small penis syndrome • Even after having a standard penis size, the patient feels his organ is short • Most of them have false conceptions about real p...